Mein Blog

„Achtung: Fernweh“

Ana-Sofia Gómez Sanchez

ERASMUS internships in Europe

Would you like to do an internship abroad, but you’re scared that you might struggle financing your stay? Then you should read more about the ERASMUS scholarship for internships abroad here!

When I got my internship in Paris and found out that I was going to get paid a really small amount of money (at the OECD it is not consider salary the money interns receive, but rather “contribution to living expenses”), of course my first worry was: ”How am I going to finance my stay in such an expensive city like Paris?”. Gladly, I found out that just like when you go for a study semester abroad, when you do an internship abroad, you can also get money from ERASMUS (and an even bigger quantity!). It is incredibly easy to apply and 90% of the people who apply get the scholarship.

Who can apply for this scholarship?

  • For students of all study programs starting their first year of study
  • For graduates in the first year of study after graduation

How long is the funding duration?

From 2 to 12 months. But remember that you can only get in total 12 months of funding (combining Erasmus during a study semester abroad and/or internship abroad).

What are the scholarship rates?

The ERASMUS mobility grant for the internship is calculated according to fixed rates for each country group.

  • Group 1: EUR 600/month (Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom)
  • Group 2: EUR 540/month (Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal , Spain, Cyprus)
  • Group 3: 480 EUR/month (Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary)

When is the application deadline?

Applications can be submitted up to 4 weeks before the start of the internship, but they are quite flexible to be honest.

Where can I get more information?

You can find more information regarding the application process here. They explain you step by step and in case you have questions you can always contact Ms. Angela Wittkamp.

Don’t miss the chance of doing an internship abroad!

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