Mein Blog

„Achtung: Fernweh“

Ana-Sofia Gómez Sanchez

DAAD Preis

Are you an international student with outstanding achievements and have been involved in social or intercultural commitment? If so, then you might be eligible to win 1000 EUR!

Every year the Uni Halle and the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) award a prize to a foreign student or doctoral student, who has shown throughout his or her studies to have outstanding achievements and social or intercultural commitment.

The requirements in order to be eligible to apply and win the prize are the following:

  • Students should be at least in their 2nd academic year of an undergraduate degree programme or at least in the 3rd semester of a graduate degree programme. Students who have completed their studies (October 2021 at the earliest) can also win the prize.
  • Degree seeking foreign students enrolled at the Martin-Luther-Univeristät Halle-Wittenberg. Students must have acquired their university entrance qualification at a school abroad (this includes German schools abroad) or they have supplemented school qualifications abroad with a German Studienkolleg.

The prize will be awarded to only one person, and it consists of a total of 1,000 EUR. The prize winner will be selected by the University Awards Committee of Martin-Luther-Univeristät Halle-Wittenberg and the award ceremony will be in May 2022.

The following documents are needed for applying:

  • Convincing cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Current academic transcript of records indicating the applicant’s grade point average
  • Letter of reference from a university teacher (with assessment of academic performance and social/intercultural commitment)
  • If applicable, proof of social/intercultural commitment.

Your application needs to be submitted to the following address by January 21, 2022:

Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
06099 Halle (Saale)

In case you have more questions about the DAAD Prize, don’t hesitate on contacting Mrs. Gritt Eisenkopf of the International Office (email:

In previous years, foreign students from Bangladesh, Mexico, Ghana, India, Poland and other countries have been granted the prize. You can read more about it here. If they could do it, you can do it too!

Best of luck!


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